Energy Efficient Blow Dryer and Eco Friendly Hair Care Practices


A hair dryer is one of those household appliances that a person uses almost every day. Some people use this accessory to style their hair or buy one for the whole family. In this case, the daily operating time of the device increases significantly and may reach half an hour or even more. And with it, the amount of electricity spent on its operation is also growing.

Energy Efficient Blow Dryer for Daily Use

In the modern era, the issue of energy consumption is a concern for the family budget and a problem of greenhouse gas emissions. To make your contribution to a sustainable future, you can buy an eco friendly hair dryer. Leading manufacturers of household appliances consider the transition to energy-saving technologies one of their most important tasks. They offer models with low electricity consumption and other built-in solutions to reduce consumer carbon footprint. AENO produces household appliances using smart technologies to reduce energy consumption. Let’s take the example of the hair dryer AENO HD1 to see how these energy-efficient technologies work.

Two Approaches to Choosing an Energy-Saving Hair Dryer

Does a hair dryer use a lot of electricity? Is its contribution to the overall electricity consumption in the household so minimal that it can be neglected?

The ideal device should be powerful enough so that drying wet hair does not take much time. However, power and energy consumption are interrelated values. Therefore, if you buy a model with a power of 2,000 W, be prepared for significant electric power consumption. Consumers who choose to save energy have two main options:

  • Buy a low-power tool of 1,000 W or less. The price of such models is cheaper, but they dry your hair much longer. As a result, you end up with approximately the same electricity consumption but spend more time styling your hair.
  • Purchase a hair dryer energy efficient. Such devices have high power and increased drying speed. But they are equipped with energy-saving technologies. Thanks to this, you can get professional hair styling at home with low electricity consumption and a warranty for lasting use of the household appliance.

Benefits of Energy-Efficient Hair Dryers

  • You can blow dry your hair as often as you like without feeling guilty about the excessive carbon footprint.
  • Your electrical grids are not overloaded, meaning they will last longer without replacement.
  • The lowest wattage hair dryer does not damage your hair, making it brittle and dull.
  • Your electricity bills will not scare you and make you think about the need to save on something.

Technologies for Reducing Energy Consumption in Hair Dryers

Brushless Motor
Models such as AENO HD5 use the latest innovations to produce high heat with minimal electricity consumption. One of the most efficient technologies is the brushless motor. Its usage allows you to reduce hair dryer energy and eliminate motor noise. This becomes possible thanks to technology that enables motors to be driven by magnets, not brushes. The appliance, which operates based on brushless technology, has high performance with low energy costs. The manufacturer uses the power of the magnetic field, which drives the digital motor.

This technology eliminates the noise produced by the brush rubbing against other brushes. The destruction of these brushes leads to a rapid loss of efficiency of the hair dryer and the need to repair it. The use of magnets does not create such a problem. Thanks to this, you save energy and can use the device longer without repairing the motor.

Several Heating and Speed ​​Modes
A hair dryer is often needed for styling and creating a well-groomed look for your hair. Each task requires a certain temperature and speed. For example, high air blowing speed is not needed for styling hair. If the tool does not have a regulator, you use more electricity than necessary to perform this task. The ionic AENO HD5 model has three speeds and three heating modes, which gives nine possible combinations. It allows the consumer to select the temperature and speed scenario needed. This leads to energy savings and better styling of straight and curly hair.

LCD Touch Screen
A good energy-saving hair dryer should have an effective indicator of the heat mode and speed. It shows how hot and powerful your device is at the moment. This allows you to make a quick decision about whether to reduce or increase the temperature or change the speed. AENO HD5 has a LCD touch screen in a beautiful color scheme. With it, you can instantly understand the current operating mode. Moreover, it makes the device visually attractive and stylish.

Intelligent Temperature Control
Advanced models of hair dryers using smart technologies have additional mechanisms to protect them from overheating. Such a mechanism performs several tasks at once:

  • Protects your hair from the harmful effects of too-hot temperatures.
  • Automatically reduces the power of the hair dryer, which eliminates excessive energy consumption.
  • Protects electrical networks from possible incidents that can occur when powerful electrical appliances operate for a long time.

AENO HD5 is equipped with an advanced intelligent temperature control sensor. Thanks to this, consumers can safely use the hair dryer without harming their hair, the hair dryer’s body, and electrical networks. In addition, it reduces energy consumption if an individual keeps the hair dryer on for too long at high temperatures.

The Bottom Line

If you want to make a more sustainable choice when buying household appliances, find the most energy efficient hair dryer. Modern innovative technologies allow getting the same result with lower energy consumption. AENO HD5 is the best choice for an energy-efficient solution for everyday hair drying. Thanks to the brushless motor, it consumes less energy, remains effective for a longer period, and your electricity bills decrease.

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