Smart Hair Dryer: A Revolutionary Innovation in the Hair Care Industry


A hair dryer is an indispensable household appliance in almost every home. Whether you are going to work or a special event, it will help you dry your hair quickly and create a beautiful hairstyle. The tool will also take care of your health so that you do not go outside with wet hair after the pool or do not catch a cold after getting under in the rain.

Incredible Features of Smart Hair Dryer Technology

Is it possible to say that a hair dryer has intelligence? Until recently, this idea seemed ridiculous. However, thanks to technological development, these devices are increasingly acquiring the features of intelligent household appliances. Thanks to AI integration, they can have many other useful functions in addition to drying hair and styling. For example, having analyzed your hair and scalp, certain models will assess the suitability of shampoo you use for your type of hair. They will advise which masks are best for your hair and whether you should reduce the frequency of washing.

These times are close since such AI-based software is already being developed by programmers. All that remains is to equip your appliance for drying hair with these advanced solutions, and you will get a great hairdresser — an advisor and home doctor for your hair. While brands in the beauty industry have not yet brought a similar product to the market, let’s look at the unique features of certain models you can buy right now.

What Is an Intelligent Hair Dryer?

When you see an advertisement for a smart hair dryer, do not rush to buy it at a high price. First, find out the full range of functions the manufacturer has included in this appliance. It may turn out that what the company positions as “smart” does not correspond to your knowledge of technological progress. Smart household appliances provoke great interest among the population and increase sales growth for manufacturers. To increase demand, they can classify functions already present in your current device as “smart.” So, what are the criteria for such a device?

  • This household appliance must be equipped with sensors that allow it to collect essential information, such as data on the temperature and moisture on the head and hair.
  • An intelligent hair dryer can analyze the collected information and decide to what extent these indicators correspond to those pre-programmed in its software.
  • It must have technical capabilities to stop or weaken any action, for example, reduce the airflow or heating temperature.

Thus, a smart device is similar to a person who perceives the world around them, analyzes information, makes a decision, and proceeds to action. The absence of any of these capabilities indicates that this equipment cannot be classified as smart. For example, it may have sensors but cannot automatically perform any action. Or it can turn off when overheated but without analyzing the condition of a person’s hair.

What Features Are Integrated in Smart Hair Dryers

In the near future, the leadership in the home appliance market will be determined by the number of smart functions and energy-saving technologies. The production of hair dryers is no exception since the market constantly offers more and more amazing features. Here are the main ones you can find in new advanced models.

Intelligent Stylers
If you regularly go to the same hairdresser, they will remember your styling preferences. You will not have to explain to the master what result you expect to see. And the likelihood that you will be satisfied with the haircut or styling increases. The same applies to the intelligent styling function. If you want to improve your styling experience and spend less time on this procedure, choose models with the intelligent styler function. They remember your settings, which is essential if the appliance offers many modes. So, you will not have to set your preferred mode each time.

Modern devices are available with many attachments for a more diverse styling of hairstyles. The Attachment Learning function allows the machine to remember the settings of the last use for each of them. This significantly increases the speed of styling, and you may not bother to memorize the settings you need.

How User Preferences Are Stored
An important advantage of smart home appliances of the new generation is that they can connect to the Internet. Therefore, information about a user-specific setting can be transmitted to the nearest computer or stored in the Cloud. When you need to set a specific mode, you simply tell the hair dryer which combination it should activate. This feature is especially useful for professional hairdressers who have regular clients. Once they send data of their clients on the optimal temperature and speed mode for storage, they will quickly proceed to drying or styling their hair the next time.

Scalp Protection Mode
This function protects your head from overheating. Traditional hair dryers do not have it, and their users get many problems associated with overheating of the head and hair:

  • Evaporation of moisture under the cuticle;
  • Brittle and dry hair;
  • The dull appearance of hair;
  • Removal of the protective fatty layer from the surface of the head;
  • Irritation and even thermal burns in case of sensitive skin.

If you buy a device with a smart sensor system, such negative consequences are impossible. It prevents heat damage by automatically reducing the heating of the spiral as it approaches your head or the temperature on its surface increases.

What Are Other Technologies for Head and Hair Protection?
There are several technological solutions for implementing this function. For example, AI can measure the temperature on the surface of your head at high frequency so that it does not exceed the threshold of 50 ℃ or 55 ℃. The specific threshold is set by the developer of the household appliance. However, it is believed that 50-55 ℃ is a safe mode for a huge majority of users.

The AENO HD5 model uses intelligent AI technology for thermal control. It helps track the slightest alteration in temperature. and controls the safety of using heating household appliances, turning off or reducing heating if the threshold value is exceeded.

The manufacturer can also use a time of flight or proximity sensor based on infrared technology. It uses a beam to measure the distance to the head.

Safe Use Indicator
A hair dryer can also show the user a safe distance from the head using the LED lamp. For example, its heating level is low if it lights up yellow, and you can continue drying your head in the same mode or even bring it closer to your head. If the LED lamp changes from orange to red, the temperature increases, and a close distance becomes unsafe.

Intelligent Humidity Sensor
It is also useful to measure the humidity of your hair for a more perfect look. If the manufacturer adds such sensors to their devices, they will signal the user when to stop drying. This communication can happen using an LED lamp or audio speakers. For example, you start drying your hair with a blue humidity indicator. But as your hair dries, it turns red. It means that the normal level of humidity was reached and even crossed.

Gravity Sensor
During styling, the user periodically puts the hair dryer aside to select the right combs, hair clips, sprays, etc. The motion or gravity sensor allows you to reduce the airflow and turn off the heating when the device is not needed. This extends the life of the household appliance and reduces energy consumption. In addition, if it uses a conventional motor instead of an advanced brushless motor, this reduces the noise level.

Control with an App
Smart appliance manufacturers produce special apps that make using a hair dryer more convenient. A smartphone is connected to the device using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth technology. If you are in a hurry, you can define the settings on the go so that drying your hair takes only a few minutes. Such auxiliary software is useful for large families where every member has different setting preferences. With the help of such an app, you can program different modes of using the tool. And then, with a single button, you will automatically get the necessary settings:

  • Daily Mode
  • Styling Mode
  • Kids Mode
  • Quick Mode
  • Pet Mode etc.

Voice Command
The voice recognition technology allows you to communicate with smart home appliances without using buttons. By sending commands using your voice, you speed up the drying process and make it more comfortable. Later, the tool will learn to distinguish between users’ voices and will be able to customize the settings by determining who is accessing it at the moment.

An onboard speaker enables the device to send you messages in real time. For example, it can advise you to stop drying to avoid hair breakage, position the machine further away, move more smoothly, etc. But these are the simplest functions that a smart hair dryer can perform. More advanced models will integrate AI chatbots that can act as consultants. By asking your gadget questions, you will receive competent answers. Thus, while styling your hair at home, you will be able to talk to it as if it were a professional hairdresser.

Built-in Camera
Integrating a camera into hair dryers is a transition to even more complex AI technologies. They allow for improving the memory function and activating the diagnostic and recommendation functions. Computer vision technologies allow AI to compare the image of the user’s hair with the huge database to which it has access. After conducting a visual diagnosis of the hair by AI, the chatbot ​​will give the user a recommendation regarding hairsprays, nourishing masks, shampoos, etc. All this information will not be stored in your model. Using wireless devices, it can connect to special AI-based software, which is located on the company’s server or in the Cloud.

Connecting the Intelligent Hair Dryer to the Internet

Connecting the hair dryer to the Internet via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth gives you unlimited possibilities. If your user profile is stored in the Cloud, anyone you share the link with will know about your settings and styling preferences.

  • Some tasks will be performed automatically. For example, when traveling to another city, you can set up a hotel smart device according to your preferences by pressing a button on your app.
  • Others will still be performed manually. Thus, when you arrive at your hotel room, you will find your favorite shampoo, conditioner, and hairspray there.

Unparalleled Benefits of Smart Hair Dryer

Integrating AI and other smart technologies improves and qualitatively changes hair care. This household appliance turns from a simple tool into a caring hairdresser:

  • Your hair will always be in perfect condition since you will not dry it out too much. As soon as the amount of moisture in your hair reaches the norm, the hair dryer will signal you with an LED lamp or through a voice speaker.
  • A smart tool makes an important contribution to maintaining the long-term health of your hair and scalp. People may miss this point, focusing on the immediate need. Often, they need a quick hairstyle to go to work, a date, or another important event. In this case, they do not pay attention to how carefully they dry their hair. The result can be dry hair and scalp, their degreasing, etc. A smart device will not allow such a situation since it will always warn you that you are crossing the threshold of healthy hair drying.
  • You will not waste electricity and increase your carbon footprint. The tool will reduce heating and electricity consumption in several cases. This can happen when you bring it too close to your head and high heat is not required. If you put the device on the table to pick up a spray or the right hairpins, it will also stop blowing. If a strong airflow is not needed for a certain hairstyle, it will adjust its mode to the result you want to get.
  • The speed of hair care will increase. You will not have to select the appropriate drying or styling mode every time, since they will be in the machine’s memory. This is especially convenient when you are caring not only for your hair but for someone else’s, e.g., your children or pets. By pressing just one button in the smartphone app, you will get the necessary settings and can start drying immediately.
  • Integration of AI allows you to choose the perfect shampoos, conditioners, hairsprays, and other cosmetics. People choose a particular brand of shampoo for many reasons and do not always take into account how suitable it is for their hair type or scalp. A device equipped with computer vision technologies can notice that the condition of its user’s hair can be improved and advise how to do this most effectively.
  • Having learned to use all the advantages of a smart hair dryer, you can apply these skills to any other household appliance. So, a smart refrigerator, TV, audio speakers, and many other appliances will appear in your home. Your life will become much more comfortable and carefree.

The Bottom Line

Despite all these unique innovations that modern smart tools offer, we have not yet reached the top of technological capabilities. The time will come when wireless levitating hair dryers will hover around you as if they were in the hands of a skilled hairdresser. They will do your favorite hairstyle, while you will be doing whatever you want ― reading your favorite magazine, dressing your child for kindergarten, or doing any housework. Today, these are no longer fantasies but projects that multiple start-ups are working on. The development of AI and Machine Learning provides many new opportunities. And companies that are the first to integrate smart functions into their household appliances will become the new market leaders. They will define the technological landscape of the beauty industry, climbing to the top of innovation and showing the way to less agile companies.

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